Providing feedback to students

After an email from a fellow teacher asking for advice on giving feedback to students I thought that I would share some of the things I have used for various classes at different times.

Below are some screenshots from each of these and then the link to download the file.



Alongside these grids since lockdown I have been experimenting with using the Google Chrome Extension ‘Mote‘. I have found this another great time saving tool when leaving digital feedback. In a nutshell you can record yourself and leave your audio message within Google Classroom and most of the Google Apps such as Slides and Docs. I have found it really cuts down the time spent leaving feedback on students work and also students have told me they prefer to listen to feedback than read it.


While students have been working online in lockdown and using Google Classroom I have found that the comments function has been brilliant for being able to add quick WWW, EBIs or TO DO NEXT feedback to their work. Here is a link to the detailed step by step instructions of using this function

Use comments & action items:


When you create an assignment in Google Classroom you can also create a rubric alongside the work set. I have used this in KS3 to speed up marking online work and in KS4 to provide feedback on what level they have achieved against the exam board mark scheme. A few great links that explain how to create and use rubrics are listed below.

Create or reuse a rubric for an assignment:

Add a Rubric to Google Classroom with Google Sheets:

RAG sheets for GCSE Art and Photography


To aid my year 10 and 11 classes with planning their mock exams this term I have created a set of RAG sheets for them to complete at the start and end of the lesson. I have found this helps them to take a few minutes to think about the lesson ahead of them and make a rough plan of action.

I find it is difficult when the students are all at various different stages when working on their mock or real exam prep to think about how to have useful starters and these sheets are a way for all students to settle down and make a quick start on their independent work.

Additionally on these sheets I have included a table for students working at and target grades.

Art RAG sheets: art-rag-123-sheetsphoto-rag-123-sheets

Photo RAG sheets: photo-rag-123-sheets



Art GCSE Exam Course Structure

GCSE ART Assessment Sheets

UPDATE: Revised 1-9 Grading versions of these can be found HERE

To help my GCSE students with their mock exam last term I put together a series of handouts/tick sheets that help them to assess where they were and how to get the varying marks for each stage of their preparation.

I have adapted these for the upcoming real exam and have uploaded each sheet at the bottom of this post.

Also I have completed my handout for each of the exam themes for the 2016 AQA Art and Design  GCSE paper and will be sharing this on this blog after the 1st January 2016 so watch this space!

Yr11 Exam Cover

Yr11 Exam P1 Intro and Mindmap

Yr11 Exam P2 Artist Research

Yr11 Exam P3 Next Steps

Yr11 Exam P4 Experiments

Yr11 Exam P5 Plans

I do also have editable Photoshop files but I can not upload these on WordPress so if you would like these please add a request in the comments section and I will email them over to you.


Tracking GCSE work

Hi all I hope you all had a brilliant and relaxing summer!

This year I have made it one of my targets to keep my GCSE art classes all up to date with incomplete and unfinished work. I find that there is nothing worse than looking through a students sketchbook and folder of work and seeing lots of potentially great pieces of work that are not complete!

I have made a chart to put up on my cupboards so that once I have seen a students piece of work and I deem it to be complete it can be ticked off. Both myself and students can then easily see who has work to be completed.

Fingers crossed this will go some way to keeping unfinished work at the front of their minds!

GCSE work tracking




GCSE tracking board






While looking about the app store I came upon a great app called iDoceo. In short it is a mark book and planner but it has many little features that really save time and are very useful. I try not to ever spend much on apps just in case they are not great, but I am glad that I took a gamble on this one (its currently £4.99) as it is worth every penny.

I can now easily keep a record of all my pupils gardes and marks and no more scribbling out or crossing out things when I have made a mistake in the back of my planner. But the feature I most like is the ability to photograph students work and attach it to the relevant grade.  I can also type comments on their work and then print this out to feedback to them.

The link to the app in the UK itunes store:

Marking Key Stage 4 art work


I have designed a word document which I hope will help when it comes to marking and giving written feedback to the upper school art and design pupils.

The first table is where I will type out the different tasks that should have been completed, I will then write yes or no in the ‘completed?’ column depending on the if the work is evidenced in their sketchbook/ folder. After this is a box for the teacher to write a brief comment on pieces of work that are particularly successful or show a good quality of work. The last box is where the teacher should note down comments about work that needs completing or refining etc. Both the teacher and pupil should sign the paperwork so that it is evidenced that a discussion has taken place between them.

I hope this will help pupils to see where they need to improve!

Link to Teacher feedback word document: Teacher Feedback sheet

Marking key stage 3 art work


I have always found it difficult to mark lower school artwork, up until now I have just been giving comments highlighting the positives in the work and then the areas to improve. I wanted to try and find a better way of given more feedback to pupils, that would not give me more work/writing.

So I have developed two tables that can be stuck in to pupils sketchbooks and then completed by the teacher. The first one shown is for marking homework. The second table shown is slightly different and is for general classwork, I would stick this into pupils sketchbooks periodically to show them how I feel they are generally working in class. This would be used alongside my usual written comments on their artwork.

I have developed these from examples shown on this website:

Link to the files:
Homework marking stickers
Class work marking stickers